The Bestseller Code

Wall Street Journal “Most Anticipated Book of 2016”
An iBooks “Most Anticipated Book of Fall 2016”

Available now in all formats:  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Indiebound

The Bestseller Code has sold in eight languages and has been reviewed internationally in almost every major outlet.

The book has attracted TV and radio coverage around the world.

What authors are saying. . .

  • “Can you qualify magic? Archer and Jockers just may have done so.” — Sylvia Day
  • “a gripping page-turner about how we read” — Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
  • “excited me, scared me, and generally blew my mind” — Jonathan Gottschall

What the reviews are saying. . .

  • “The Bestseller Code lays bare nothing less than the DNA of bestsellers, which makes Archer and Jockers the Watson and Crick of their age.” — The New Statesman
  • “It’s fun reading bestsellers after The Bestseller Code” — London Review of Books
  • “may change the publishing industry. . . ” — Guardian
  • “non-formulaic, eye-opening, deeply-researched — and really worth your time.”— GQ
  • “[The] claims are eye-grabbing. . . [and] also highly plausible.” —The Spectator
  • Archer and Jockers “are ‘literature-friendly’ and want good books to succeed.” Wired
  • “It’s appealing to imagine that Archer and Jockers have built an intelligent catalog of the American reader’s taste and will” — The New Yorker.
  • “If Archer & Jockers won’t tell publishers exactly how to detect a bestseller in a slush pile do they at least tell authors how to write to avoid the slush pile? I think that they do. — Book Business Magazine
  • “reveals the diverse directions in which popular fiction may be taken. . . the bestseller-ometer may find its most noble application as a democratizing force” — The Atlantic
  • “This is a delightful book to read. I would recommend it as both an entertaining and educational read for anybody interested in the business of books” —Digital Book World Daily
  • “This interesting little tome shares some of the Bookputer’s insights with us, just in case we want to become author-millionaires too. And who doesn’t?. . Fascinating” — The Times Review
  • “Aspiring novelists who thumb through this volume will find plenty to think about. . . [T]his book actually represents an opportunity for literary scholars” — Public Books
  • “Archer is not some Silicon Valley whizz-kid looking to reduce the novel to 0s and 1s, nor is she a pretentious academic coming over the hills to sling around jargon about middlebrow novels. . . [She] is smart, savvy and full of ideas.” —The Times of London
  • “The Bestseller Code is an intriguing read and its analysis of what makes a plot tick and how readers are grabbed is compelling.” —Literary Review
  • “May be required reading for anyone involved in making and selling books.” —Sydney Morning Herald

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