Jodie Archer and Matthew Jockers do books.

Jodie has been in books forever. She has been a commissioning editor in London and New York.

She has been research lead for a major online book store.

She has been a lecturer in contemporary fiction and writing.

All those book world roles have led to some expertise in answering two questions: what works?

And why?

Jodie got her Ph.D. from Stanford for her work on the bestseller.

The work of her first degrees at Cambridge was about how and why we read.

She has been published under her own and different names.

The press have called her critical work refreshing and revolutionary.

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Matt is a book pro from a different perspective.

He is considered a leading voice in text mining and the digital humanities- His work is covered worldwide with phrases like “paradigm-shifting” and “massively important.”

His two books in the field (Macroanalysis and Text Analysis with R) were groundbreaking.  His work has been all about creating algorithms designed to detect the right words in the right order. He is the Susan J. Rosowski Professor of English and Associate Dean for Research and Partnerships at the University of Nebraska where he teaches and directs the Nebraska Literary Lab. He lectures all over the world about the intersections of technology and fiction.

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As a team, they became known in the book world for seven years of research that led to their book and an algorithm that analyzed thousands of books in order to uncover the most common, and predictable, traits of bestselling fiction.  Archer and Jockers have continued their research and are now helping writers from across the spectrum-from literary novelists to genre authors—to improve their manuscripts and understand their craft from an enlightening, new, data-driven perspective.